Photo by Rakesh JV (Flickr user)
Millions of the most vulnerable children in the world still face an imminent death, they live without potable water or toilets, and they can’t go to school. Experience has shown that the construction of a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world begins with an intelligent investment in childhood, especially in the most disadvantaged and marginalized children.
From July 13 to 16 the world leaders came together in Addis Abeba for the Third International Conference about Financing for Development. The summit analyzed ways to finance the Sustainable Development Objectives, the program that will substitute the Milenium Development Objectives, which conclude at the end of 2015.
To make a bigger and more intelligent investment in childhood, especially amongst the most marginalized sectors of the population, must be in the center of the debates.
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.es/javier-martos/la-inversion-inteligente_b_7770826.html