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[Design and Innovation]: Water ATMs, a practical solution for scarcity

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The last data provided by UN reflect that in India one third of the available water is not potable, and the one believed to be, has a 70% chance of being contaminated. Due to this need, those in charge of supplying water in New Delhi, along with a corporation and a charitable institution, have installed a water treatment plant and fifteen water vending machines with which people can charge up to 20 liters of water for a total price of 5 cents of a dollar.

The installation of these ATMs has achieved that more people have a more organized access to a much better quality of water.

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[Organizations]: An intelligent investment in childhood is essential for sustainable development

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Rakesh JV

Photo by Rakesh JV (Flickr user)

Millions of the most vulnerable children in the world still face an imminent death, they live without potable water or toilets, and they can’t go to school. Experience has shown that the construction of a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world begins with an intelligent investment in childhood, especially in the most disadvantaged and marginalized children.

From July 13 to 16 the world leaders came together in Addis Abeba for the Third International Conference about Financing for Development. The summit analyzed ways to finance the Sustainable Development Objectives, the program that will substitute the Milenium Development Objectives, which conclude at the end of 2015.

To make a bigger and more intelligent investment in childhood, especially amongst the most marginalized sectors of the population, must be in the center of the debates.

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[Natural resources]: Respecting the ecosystems is key to sustainable development

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Pierre Pocs Photography

Photo by Pierre Pocs Photography (Flickr user)

According to a new report, the maintainance and recovery of healthy ecosystems will be fundamental for the fulfillment of the UN’s Development Agenda.

As global population increases and medium-class grows, people, governments, and companies will have to adopt consumption patterns and production systems that contribute to human well-being “without placing unsustainable pressures over the environment and natural resources”.

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[Society]: Green festivals, a new way to bring sustainability closer to people

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Franco Folini festival verde
Photo by Franco Folini (Flickr user)

In the frame of the global changes that have been taking place during the past decade, it is the context the one that demands a turn towards sustainability. Facing this necessary quest of balance among economic, social and environmental aspects, new ways of bringing this paradigm closer to people are beginning to arise.

A successful way of doing so is promoting festivals in which, trough various activities such as conferences, workshops, music, theater, movies and gastronomy, different topics about sustainability are discussed: healthy life, renewable energies, climate change, energy efficiency, among others.

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[Community]: Students from Mexico and USA work at sustainable development in Valle de Guadalupe

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Photo by spatialrhetorics (Flickr user)

From June 15 to 25, students from The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and students from CETYS University worked together at the generation of proposals that contribute to sustainable development at Valle de Guadalupe in Ensenada, Baja California. This initiative is part of the Engineering-Together Sustainable Communities: A US-México Study Abroad Program. 

The objective of this project, in which 17 American UTEP students and 8 Mexican CETYS students participated, is to attend with technical bases the challenges that sustainability in the modern world represents.

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[Organizations]: UN urges to transform consumption patterns

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Photo by Lollie-Pop (Flickr user)

Sustainable energy is the link that connects economic growth, social equity, and environmental care. Besides, it is essential to fight climate change, says UN’s general vicesecretary Jan Eliasson.

Eliasson called the international community to propose transforming strategies in the next gatherings about development taking place this year in Addis Abeba and New York City, and the one about climate change in Paris, with the objective of ending the unsustainable production and consumption patterns. 

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[Technology]: Say “goodbye” to electrical grids

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Steve Jurvetson
Photo by Steve Jurvetson (Flickr user)

The firm Tesla Motors launched a battery 100% based on solar energy and it will be available for use at homes. This will allow for a complete independence from electrical grids.

There are batteries that already efficiently store solar energy throught the day, but up to now there were no versions for massive domestic use. Nevertheless, this need has already been covered and launched to the market by Tesla Motors, with the objective that it can be entirely sustainable and with zero carbon emissions.

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[Production and consumption]: Increasing traditional fishing and aquiculture to improve alimentary security of the population

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Traditional fishing and aquiculture in small scale can turn into one of the most effective solutions to the hunger problem that still afflicts over 7 million people in Central America and Dominican Republic, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

“There are significant volumes of traditional fishing and aquiculture that have difficulties entering the export market and that could have a better use for local consumption”, Ignacio Rivera, the sub regional coordinator of FAO for Mesoamerica, points out.

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[Design and Innovation]: More than just necessary objects

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Photo by gufm (Flickr user)

Outside the industry and close to people, social design has transformed into something more ideological than tangible. It appeals to the consumer’s mind and has the objective of transforming the buyer into a critical citizen. From making objects to thinking concepts, that is the reinvention line. It does not only look forward to be necessary; it wants to contribute to change the world.

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[Business]: A fortune to reward environmental respect

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Foto taken by Duke Energy (Flickr user)

Promoting renewable energies in order to make face to and revert, as much as possible, climate change. Whoever can do this best will win four million dollars in the eighth edition of the Zayed Future Energy Prize. The contest, for which the government of the United Arab Emirates is responsible, is open until June 22nd and it awards projects from businesses and organizations from all around the world for their contribution to sustainable development.

This edition looks out to reward projects that combine innovation and efficiency in the use and saving of energy, that reduce greenhouse effect gases, or that increase the production of alternative energy.

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